Westlock County-Child Family Youth Act

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Westlock County-Child Family Youth Act

Post by Cody_Rossing »

Below is an article posted in the Westlock News. According to Peace Officer NICKOLSON, the RCMP had no involvement in the case and the stop was conducted by NICKOLSON and charges were laid by NICKOLSON. NICHOLSON has the Child Family Youth Act on his appointment.

A convicted sex offender was sentenced to jail time after he was found in violation of his parole conditions. In Westlock Provincial Court July 8, Judge Norman Mackie sentenced Jeffrey Lawless to 45 days in jail after Lawless pleaded guilty to one count of causing a child to need protection.
Court heard that an RCMP officer pulled over Jeffrey Lawless on April 22 after observing him speeding. The officer found him in the car with a woman (who the News has chosen not to
name until her court date) and two female children, who cannot be named due to a publication ban. Part of his parole conditions was that he was not permitted to be in the presence of female children without an accompanying adult who was approved by the parole board — the woman did not have the board’s approval. The woman, who is also charged with one count of causing a minor to need protection, postponed her own case to Aug. 5.
Cody Rossing
Manager, Enforcement Services and Emergency Management, Drayton Valley
Consultant, Peace Officer Program Supports , Risk Control Canada.
Posts: 242
Joined: 16 Aug 2009, 00:27

Re: Westlock County-Child Family Youth Act

Post by Dean_Young »

Great catch, Nickolson!
Dean Young BA, MPS
Criminal Justice Instructor
School of Health and Community Services
Medicine Hat College
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