Lacombe County’s annual ‘Spring Tune-Up’ event coming up

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Lacombe County’s annual ‘Spring Tune-Up’ event coming up

Post by Levi_Simcoe »

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Lacombe County’s annual ‘Spring Tune-Up’ event coming up

Lacombe County staff members are excited to announce the seventh annual Spring Tune-Up event on March 21.

Things kick off at 10 a.m. and run through until 3 p.m. at the Lacombe Memorial Centre.

There is no charge to attend, and the day also includes a barbecue lunch from 11:30 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Anyone interested in their health, the environment, and farm safety is invited to attend this free event, which will feature a variety of health, environmental, and safety professionals.

“The health and safety of our rural community is important to Lacombe County,” explained Jalene Makus, Lacombe County agriculture coordinator and event organizer.

“By bringing in vendors that support both physical, environmental, and mental health/safety, we are doing our part to support and connect attendees with relevant and useful information.”

Starting at 10 a.m. there will be a different presenter each hour, taking the stage to discuss various topics relevant to the community:

- 10 a.m. - Lacombe County Peace Officers: Farm Vehicle Inspection Program (rules/legislation)

- 11 a.m. - ATCO Gas

- 1 p.m. - Battle River Watershed Alliance: Drought Resiliency

- 2 p.m. - Red Deer/Lacombe Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) program

Additionally, organizers are adding a stronger focus on the environment and how it relates to the lives of rural Albertans.

Everyone who attends the event will have their name entered for raffle door prizes.

There will be approximately two dozen organizations on-site for this year’s event, including The MAN VAN®, which will be set up at the LMC.

The MAN VAN®, operated by the Prostate Cancer Centre, is Canada’s first mobile men’s clinic offering free PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood testing, which can help with early prostate cancer detection.

This invaluable opportunity provides a fast, free PSA blood test, and men over 18 can also receive additional health measurements, including blood pressure, blood sugar, waist circumference, and mental wellness checks – all without the need for an appointment.

The MAN VAN® will be set up from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Other vendors include the Rural Crime Prevention Centre, SPCA, the Alberta Lung Association, Lacombe County Community peace officers, Red Deer/Lacombe ALUS, the Wolf Creek Primary Care Network, Building Bridges to Health Naturally, Canadian Blood Services, Just Safety Supplies, Alberta Mental Health, the Red Deer Restorative Justice Program, Hear Right Canada, Lacombe County Fire, AHS, ATCO, FORTIS, Northwood Safety, RCMP Livestock, AWES, the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance, the Parkland Airshed Management Zone, and the Battle River Watershed Alliance.

To learn more or for any questions, call 403-782-8959 or email

For more information, head to
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