Emergency Management Training: P-Post and Planning P

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Emergency Management Training: P-Post and Planning P

Post by Cody_Rossing »

The Town of Drayton Valley will be holding two training workshops.

1 – September 5th PPOST (Afternoon starting at 1pm)
2 – September 6th Planning P (All day, starting at 8am)

PPOST is commonly cited in incident management practices, plans, and training. PPOST stands for Priorities, Problems, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics. This approach helps you focus on what needs to be done.

Planning P works closely as part of creating the Incident Action Plan (IAP) and is a graphic to help in the planning process. It is completed each operational period utilizing the progression of meetings and briefings. It is a graphical representation of the sequence and relationship of the meetings, work periods, and briefings that comprise the operational period planning cycle.

There are no pre-requisites to attend, but Basic Emergency Management and ICS 100 is encouraged.

If you are interested in attending, please email crossing@draytonvalley.ca
Cody Rossing
Manager, Enforcement Services and Emergency Management, Drayton Valley
Consultant, Peace Officer Program Supports , Risk Control Canada.
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