Connecting to Medicine Hat College

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Connecting to Medicine Hat College

Post by Dean_Young »

Hello, all!

I am Dean Young, a retired Community Peace Officer and current Criminal Justice Instructor within the Medicine Hat College Criminal Justice Diploma program. I am hoping to facilitate connections and contacts between criminal justice organizations and the Medicine Hat College Criminal Justice Program. I am a staunch supporter of the Community Peace Officer program, and actively advocate for this career option to our students.

Our goal is to strengthen and improve on previous connections, and to better facilitate communication, recruitment, and highlight your organizations and other organizations that our graduates could pursue.

I would like to provide you with a singular contact at the college, so if you would like to attend career and information sessions, organize presentations, provide opportunities to complete written testing (if applicable), or are looking to hire a graduate or student and would like background on how they conduct themselves while at school, this becomes a bit easier. My email and office number are below, and I am available any time to help you with recruitment from our school.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.


Dean Young
(403) 529-3813
Dean Young BA, MPS
Criminal Justice Instructor
School of Health and Community Services
Medicine Hat College
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