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Alberta Emergency Alert Training (1/2 Day PM)

Session will cover the basics of how Albertans receive alerts, how alerting works in Alberta, different types of alerts, when we send alerts, when we don't send alerts, what makes an impactful alert and so on.

There is no certification offered for this event as it is an information only event.  A review of the steps required to become an alert issuer will be taken and we will provide attendees with the necessary resources for the group.

To become an authorized alert issuer with AEA, alert issuers have to be nominated by Sr Officials within their local authority to issue alerts on that communities (or authority's) behalf. To become an alert issuer, we have a 7 hour online training course, followed by minimum training/practice reps before gaining access to the live alerting system.

Event Properties

Event Date 2025-02-04 1:00 pm
Event End Date 2025-02-04 4:30 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 6
Available place 24
Individual Price Free


Calvin Delisle

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