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Alberta Association of Community Peace Officers
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Alberta Association of Community Peace Officers.
Please take your time to browse our website and visit our social media.

Alberta Association of Community Peace Officers

(AACPO) represents over 125 Authorized Employer, who employ over 1700 Community Peace Officers (CPO) throughout Alberta and beyond. CPO's are employed under the Alberta Peace Officer Act and can provide enforcement of a variety of Federal, Provincial, and Municipal statutes within their communities.

Peace Officers

are First Responders who regularly provide assistance at motor vehicle collisions and other emergency situations within their communities, they help keep us safe and provide support to our Police, Fire and EMS crews.


was founded as the Alberta Special Constable Association in 1989. The Association was formed to represent the interest of rural Special Constables in face of growing pressures to restrict Special Constable use. Originally formed by 8 Special Constable agencies, the Association now represents more than 125 agencies employing over 1700 officers from Alberta, BC and the Northwest Territories.

Public and Members
Access level dependent
Frequently Asked Questions

Instructions to register with AACPO:

Use Firstname_Lastname format to register and your Name and Username must match.

After registering your account, it will have to be authorized by an Administrator before you can use it.
So please be patient, you will get a notification once this has been done.

User Registration
Minimum Requirements — Characters: 7
User Profile
Year-Month-Day, eg 2019-01-27.
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